26/12/ · Forex trading from India is illegal and there is no doubt about it but we want to do it legally from India and its legal way is you can be NRI and use the own account into that particular country where forex trading is legally allowed and can remit your profits into NRE account and can show the concern authority about your earnings and pay taxex accordingly and it is legal because you have used your stored capital for the Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins 09/04/ · In India, Foreign Exchange or Forex trading is not allowed. If someone is found trading Forex instruments on the forex market by the Reserve Bank of India’s representatives, he/she is immediately charged with violation of the law. Hence it is legally a crime to involve in Forex trading and the charges of the crime are imprisonment in a jail in this blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins 27/07/ · Yes, Forex trading is legal in India. In fact, Forex has become a daily routine of many Indian lives. Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the body responsible for the Forex trading industry. SEBI regulates all the forex brokers in India regardless of whether they are onshore or offshore brokerage firms
Forex trading India - How to trade Forex in India legally with Indian brokers.
April 9, 2 min read. In India, Foreign Exchange or Forex trading is not allowed. Hence it is legally a crime to involve in Forex trading and the charges of the crime are imprisonment in a jail in this country. The offense is considered immense, the prediction of intensity can be deduced from the fact that it has been labeled to be non-bailable. However, it is legal to trade forex with Indian Exchanges like NSE, BSE, MCX-SX where they currently offer 4 pairs USDINR, JPYINR, GBPINR, EURINR in Derivatives Futures and Options Segment.
So if you are trading with Indian Brokers who have a membership with the above mentioned Indian Exchanges it is perfectly legal. And Also it is perfectly legal for Indian Retail traders to invest in overseas equity markets. But margin trading in overseas is supposed to be illegal as per RBI regulation guidelines. Evidence of legal way of forex trading in india Issue of the illegality of Forex Trading. This is a confirmed finding based on a news report published in Indian Expressin April As per the report, the author narrated that the illegal nature of forex trading has been confirm ed by five private sector and public sector legal way of forex trading in india. Forex Trading and Corporations.
The reports issued by the banks on this evidences also said that only corporations are allowed to trade but the conditionality for the corporations is to use only free dollars from their reserves. Free dollar usage means that they are not allowed to convert the Indian currency to dollars and then use those converted dollars for trading, legal way of forex trading in india. Moreover, they are conditioned to stick to a leverage of fewer than ten times.
Forex Trading and Individual Traders: Reports of RBI. Individuals are strictly forbidden from electronic and internet-based foreign trading. The reason being it brings high returns to them but at high charges-the imprisonment charges. The individual traders at India have also been warned by the RBI against the online trading portals which offer these alluring outcomes of high gains but do not reveal to the traders that they are trapping themselves in an illegal activity considered by their state.
RBI also published a circular that reported certain agents who contacted the traders and urged them to invest in forex trading to earn huge profits. In this retrospective, many of the individuals became trapped in this illegal dealing. Moreover, most of the trading done through these internet portals had very huge leverage.
RBI revelations of additional findings and action against fraudulent agents. An additional finding revealed by the RBI was that the public was asked to pay these marginal payments for the trading transactions through their bank account deposits or debit cards. And then the accounts to which the money was being paid were of the same agent but they were opened in many different banks.
Therefore the RBI issued special instruction to the commercial banks of the country to be very careful in sorting out such accounts. And all the transactions which have been declared non-permissible under FEMA are also not allowed. These transactions also include any transactions related to foreign currency, remittances marginal trading or exchanges.
Disclaimer: If you are doing forex trading in India legal way of forex trading in india consult with your Fx Broker on this issue. sir now i doing forex ,if there any problem will come due sudden increases of doller rate.
please reply me sir. i called them, as you aid their words are not clear. also i know that you are also a forex trader. could you please share your way of approach in forex from india to me? I stopped forex trading these days.
Back to square one, legal way of forex trading in india. Trading with nifty these days until a solid confirmation from RBI about the legality of trading in FX markets. Any one in India can trade in Forex provided by the authorized brokers in Indian stock exchanges. But their is only 4 currency pairs and the volatility of these currencies are too low. An Indian can trade with an International Forex brokers only he legal way of forex trading in india outside India and the law in that country permits him to do so.
Their are two types of Forex brokers one is Market Makers and the other one is ECN Brokers, legal way of forex trading in india. A market maker gives you better spread and no commit ion but they have a dealing desk which will trade against you.
But for an ECN broker they will charge commit ion and spread but they wont trade against you. Their are regulatory bodies in each country that regulates these brokers for example FINMA for Swiss brokers. So consult with these regulators and take a wise decision.
Rcently RBI has given a policy of Liberalised fudning — upto 2. Can we trade in forex currency, If so who is best broker in India for the same. Please help in this regard — send your details to my id I have checked in the internet it is showing trading in foreign currency is illegal as far as RBI FEMA rules.
Please let me know…. You cant trade in Margin Segments Overseas Markets. It is illegal. You can trade margin segments only with Indian Exchanges. It comes under margin trading segment. Anything with comes under overseas margin trading segment it is illegal for Indians. However you can invest in stock markets but you cannot trade. More info about how to invest in overseas markets here.
Sir, I have a doubt about forex trading. Now a days i see about forex trading. And a person contacted me to join iforex. Can i join in iforex. Can i trade commodity trading? Is it legal? Did you join the forex trading even i got a call i want to whether it is legal or not legal please let me know since you have pinged here with recent date i am contacting legal way of forex trading in india. If forex trading is illegal in INDIA thn why do the govnment and RBI not legal way of forex trading in india the companies of forex trading from opening offices in metros of the country.
There are more than offices of these sort of forex tradign onli in DELHI. Too much offices of such sort are there in bangalore mumbai etc. Folks, all indian government hypocrisy, legal way of forex trading in india. They want indians to remain poor and suffering always.
Only ministers and politicians should have a filthy rich and lavish lifestyle. It is a damned country to be born in for ordinary folks. You are right. If goverment cares so much about Indian people losing money then why do they allow lotteries?
No doubt! Capital outflow that way would be minimal and the freedom of action duly remain protected. But when I submit my withdrawal request to my FX Broker, my legal way of forex trading in india has been disabled by them, and they verbally deny my withdrawal request. Please suggest me what should I do??? You are right sir, they are not registered or trade with any of the exchange. Are these brokers Genuine.? Shall i continue with it or shall i stop trading as people says it is illegal to trade in forex.?
Are there any Genuine online Forex brokers.? They may be genuine online forex brokers. However it is illegal for Indian Retail traders to trade with those brokers. then what about alpari.
in who is providing forex trading services in india for currency pairs like usd-inr, euro-inr, jp-inr. Even Alpari the No. This will give you clear idea why Forex Trading on International Currencies are illegal as per RBI guidelines. only oversease intraday Trading is not allowed. Presently there are many brokers like Alpari, Angel, CDEqui, NirmalBang are providing ODIN Terminal to Traders. Not legal for Indian Residents. As per RBI policy its legal to trade currency only with Indian Exchanges NSE, legal way of forex trading in india, BSE, MCX-SX.
i really don have any idea regarding forex trading being illegal in india… can u plz elaborate and knowledge me if its legal in any way. If not, is it completely illegal?? I just had a chat session with someone from a UK based forex broker. i inquired about the factor of legality on which he replied that they have people from INDIA trading in forex using their platform.
Please explain. Yes Ajit, Many people in india are trading in forex market but that doesnt means that it is a legal concept. When comes to scrutiny you are one to suffer. Rajandran R :i invested nearly dollars in sunbird and made more when i requested i was able to draw money to my account i never felt any problem.
i never know that this is illegal in india.
, time: 25:24Forex Trading in India - Legal or Illegal - A Critical Analysis

26/12/ · Forex trading from India is illegal and there is no doubt about it but we want to do it legally from India and its legal way is you can be NRI and use the own account into that particular country where forex trading is legally allowed and can remit your profits into NRE account and can show the concern authority about your earnings and pay taxex accordingly and it is legal because you have used your stored capital for the Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins 09/04/ · In India, Foreign Exchange or Forex trading is not allowed. If someone is found trading Forex instruments on the forex market by the Reserve Bank of India’s representatives, he/she is immediately charged with violation of the law. Hence it is legally a crime to involve in Forex trading and the charges of the crime are imprisonment in a jail in this blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins 27/07/ · Yes, Forex trading is legal in India. In fact, Forex has become a daily routine of many Indian lives. Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the body responsible for the Forex trading industry. SEBI regulates all the forex brokers in India regardless of whether they are onshore or offshore brokerage firms
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